
About PopularThoughts

PopularThoughts are a collection of thoughts on popular culture or things.

I think all sorts of weird stuff when I'm walking. I discovered, in my walks, that I cover the same thoughts with the exact same way of thinking coming to the exact same conclusion. I thus use this blog to exorcise myself of these thoughts and move on to new ones.

Some of the writing is about not popular things, like literature, though they have some bearing on popular things.

Take none of it seriously.

About the rating system

Writers change over time. I think so, anyway.

There are things I write that age pretty well. There are things I write that age poorly - sometimes a month, even a week after writing them.

I keep them up to remind myself, "You thought this was a good idea once", so as to keep myself honest.

But, a bit of selfishness for me, it's also to remind myself, "You've put worse stuff on this blog before, it doesn't hurt to put more."

It's a reminder to you, the reader, that this is me, and a reminder to me, who is also a reader, how I have changed over time.

For your reading pleasure, I have given a rating to each article so you know what I think is a good use of your time. Because I'm well-aware there are better things you can do with your time than to read this blog, you might as well not be annoyed or irritated by reading the bad articles.

Again, I am also a reader of this blog, so I primarily judge based on my own enjoyment of the article, that I myself wrote. So take this with a grain of salt.

- I think this is a pretty darn good article that I think raises some interesting points. I personally return to it sometimes to recall a point I made in it.

- This is a mostly good article that has a bit of fluff.

- This article is just me thinking through things. Most articles will fall here. Only good if you like the process of thinking even if the conclusion is not quite there.

- This article has very little in facts or empirical thinking and is just my gut. Only good as a time capsule.

- This is literally just rage content and possesses no substance. Even I avoid reading these.

About the writer

Thomas PopularThoughts was once a cattlehand, a spokesperson, a torch singer, a yankee doodle dandy, and an alderman once. Now he is the writer of this blog, and an astronaut.

These are all true and there is no need and no way to fact-check any of these statements.


I'm going to level with you, I'm not good at keeping up with my emails. But you can contact me at

I also have a BlueSky.